
Keep Wearing Those Baselayers This Spring!

As the weather turns warmer, have you found yourself wondering, should I still wear my baselayers this Spring? YES is the answer!

Baselayers are a good base in all weather because of their sweat wicking capabilities. As a baselayer pulls sweat from your skin, it helps to regulate your temperature.

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My favorite ways to handle the ups and downs of pregnancy hormones

Vitamin D, walking and nature. It has been so awesome taking Harriet on the same walks we went on while I carried her for 9 months! The woods is where I found the most calm and balancing of my hormones. The rhythmic sounds of nature have a way of taking care of us and the buoyancy of a forest floor is super supportive for mama’s hips and knees.

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Moms are suffering during this pandemic and it’s well documented. Just Google “Moms during pandemic” and several articles come up, like this one from Today. And it’s pretty easy to understand why, so what can we do to help? Hopefully at this point, Mamas have family or friends that are part of their “quaranteam”. I saw a quote the other day, it takes a village to raise a child but it also takes a village to raise a mom.
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My sons want what they want. They have an opinion about what they want to wear and definitely do not, how many carrot sticks they want on that plate. No, actually THAT plate, you know, the dirtiest one at the bottom of the tower of dishes in the sink. My oldest is the kid who needs to be heard and will never, ever run out of things to say.
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